Early Child care a must

Governments in many countries are unable to pay attention to the proper care of their children, and, consequently, many children become less productive in their lives. 
The nutritional status of an individual largely determines the response to injury and stress, especially infection. Undernourished groups have a higher incidence of infective illness. This is particularly so regarding diarrhoea, measles and whooping cough. In many developing and least developed countries, many children are anemic due to lack of nutrients necessary for them. 
So far, no studies on mortality and morbidity of the children living in the squatter settlements of the Third World are available. But many countries of Southeast Asia report high infant mortality rates in squatter settlements, but the concerned authorities have not paid special attention to this fact. 
In most Asian countries, only a small percentage of the children have access to health services. Their high rates of low birth weight, infant and toddler mortality and malnutrition reflect the tip of the iceberg of physical, intellectual and social disabilities among the survivors. Unless their needs are taken into account in development planning, there is every danger that some of these countries may end up with a permanent problem. 
It has been discovered from research that infants whose parents smoke have more than twice the incidence of pneumonia and bronchitis compared to infants whose parents do not smoke. Parental smoking also has the additional effect of the child picking up the habit. 
Alcohol forms part of the environment of a large majority of children, and many make their first contact with it very early. This is why there should be a healthy environment in each home because home influence plays a pivotal role in the development of a child’s development attitude. 
In most countries, no city has ever been planned with children in mind. In an international survey of 11 to 14 years old, carried out for UNESCO in several cities of the world, it was discovered that many of the children were victims of experiential starvation. In many inner urban areas, owing to fear of accidents, isolation of children is growing. 
In Nepal, due to rapid urbanisation, there are neither sufficient playgrounds nor open spaces for children. This is why most urban children are glued to their TV, computers, laptops and cell phones. This trend in the long run will have an unfair impact on their physical and mental development. 

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