First Mid-Term Examination - 2080
Class: 4 Subject: Science Time:1 hr. F.M.:25
1) Choose the correct answers. 1x5=5
a) What is the SI unit of length?
i) Metre ii) cm iii) mass
b) Who invented steam engine?
i) Thomas Alba ii) Sir Issac iii) James watt
c) Which is the first step of scientific learning process?
i) Observation ii) Conclusion iii) Experiment
d) Which is output device?
i) Monitor ii) CPU iii) Mouse
e) Which is the processing device?
i) Monitor ii) CPU iii) keyboard
2) Very short questions. 1x4=4
a) What is the last step of scientific learning process?
b) In which standard unit would you measure mass?
c) What is measurement?
d) How many types of hardware are there in computer system?
3) Short answer questions. 2x4=8
a) What is scientific learning?
b) Name any two devices to measure mass of substances.
c) Name any two communication devices used by your parents.
d) Draw the schematic diagram of:
i) Test tube
ii) Beaker
4) Long answer questions. 4x2=8
a) Write the importance of experiment in scientific method.
b) Write any four precautions to be followed while performing experiments.
The End