Class 6 Health First Mid Term Exam 2080 Practice Question Paper Set 1

 First Mid-Term Examination-2080
Class 6 Health First Mid Term Exam 2080 
Practice Question Paper Set 1
Class: VI        Subject: Health                Time:1hr               F.M.:25

Group A
Very short question answer.              1x10=10
1)    Define cell.
2)    Name two organs of our body.
3)    Define a system.
4)    What helps us to feel the taste?
5)    Define a joint.
6)    How many bones are there in adult body?
7)    What does skeletal system consist of?
8)    Define community health.
9)    Write two activities that are part of community health.
10)    Name two agencies that provide health services.

Group B
Short question answer.                        2x5=10
11)    Write any two ways to take care of our eyes.
12)    What are the functions of hair in our skin? Write any two.
13)    What kind of services do we get from health posts?
14)    What kind of services do we get from health centers?
15)    List any two functions of skeletal system.

Group C
Long question answer.                        2x2.5=5
16)    'What are the three types of joints? Describe each in brief.
17)    How does the light enter into our eyes? Explain.
The End

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